There are a range of perspectives on the importance and relevance of diagnoses in the mental health field, and we strive to take a balanced approach when treating our clients. As trained mental health professionals, it is our duty and responsibility to assign fitting and accurate diagnoses to our clients to ensure they receive the most comprehensive and appropriate treatment. With that being said, we take a holistic approach to therapy at New Leaf, such that we see people for the whole and complex beings they are – not their diagnoses.
Accounting for diagnoses in mental health treatment is especially important for the following reasons:
- To ensure that you receive the appropriate care to meet your individual needs
- To access pertinent resources & referrals
- To understand yourself better
- For loved ones to provide adequate and appropriate support
We may provide referrals for adjunct services such as:
- Psychiatric evaluations for medication
- Psychological testing
- Groups that holistically address various aspects of how a diagnosis might impact your functioning and daily life.
All our efforts to refer or help treat our clients are done collaboratively within sessions, so you will be heard, respected, and supported.
At New Leaf, trauma-related disorders, mood disorders, depressive disorders, anxiety-related disorders, and other significant mental health diagnoses are viewed and treated in a relational and systemic context. This means that we consider how your symptoms could be assessed and treated within cultural and ethnic groups, religious or spiritual contexts, relationships, schools or professional settings, and your community. You are not your diagnoses; rather, your diagnoses are an important part of you.
If you believe you or a loved one is struggling with a mental health disorder, please reach out to our caring and professional New Leaf team to schedule a consultation today. Serving the areas of Ventura and Los Angeles counties, we care deeply about providing holistic mental health services. We look forward to helping you feel empowered to learn more about yourself.
or call: 805-774-1506