This blog is on how to be responsible for your mental health. Teenage years can be hard, and difficult to navigate. During these years, you’re finding out a lot about yourself! You’re learning about your interests, your relationships with others, your relationship with yourself. Figuring some things out can be stressful – like your sexuality, or what you want to do with your life, among many other examples.
You may experience anxiety and nervousness around all of that. Questioning yourself and who you truly are. Maybe you struggle with managing the stress of it all, leaving you feeling frustrated or angry. You could just be feeling down and sad, not knowing where to go next or what to do.
Firstly, it’s very common and normal for you to be experiencing these emotions right now. It takes time to figure all of this out. It’s important to not be too hard on yourself, and rather to guide yourself with kindness and patience. Prioritizing your mental health through this all is an important task, and there are a few ways to do so!
This blog will share 3 tips for being responsible for your mental health. First, advocate for yourself. Be your biggest supporter. This can look like communicating your needs to friends, family, or teachers. Also, maintaining firm boundaries in regards to sex, substances, and more. Next, surround yourself with positive people who want to see you succeed, and stand by you when you do. Lastly, take care of your body and mind by practicing self care.
Therapy for teens in Simi Valley, CA offers a safe space for teens seeking additional support.
How to be Responsible for your Mental Health: Advocate for yourself
Advocating for yourself can be done through a number of ways. For example, it could be that you are struggling in school. Math has been very difficult lately, and you feel that you’re falling behind. The stress of it is making you just want to give up and stop trying.
Communicating your needs is a very important first step for your mental health. Sometimes, we may not know exactly what our needs are, but just that we need help. This can look like staying after class to tell your teacher, “I’m really struggling with this, and need some help understanding”. Seeking out resources like tutoring and study groups can help with this.
You may also have a need for space from your parents and family. Maybe you feel overwhelmed and just want to be alone in your room for a while. Communicating your needs will look like saying, “I’m really needing some space to think and be alone right now. I’m feeling overwhelmed. I will reconnect with you when I’m ready”. This can apply to friends as well. If you are not up to hanging out with them, you can say, “I’m going to take some time to myself today, and will reach out when I’m ready to hang out”.
Stand up for yourself in times where you know you are not comfortable with doing. This can look like experimenting with vapes/tobacco, marijuana, alcohol, or other substances. Or, it can be engaging in sexual acts you don’t want to do. Peer pressure is common where others will want to convince you to “just try” something, and may tease you if you don’t.
Maintaining firm boundaries is important for this. Regardless of what others say or want from you, what you want matters. Saying no can be hard, sometimes even scary. However, standing up for yourself looks like firmly communicating, “I’m not going to be doing that.” “I’m not comfortable with this.” “I said no, and nothing is going to change my mind right now.” “If I should choose to do that, I’ll do it on my own.”
Teen therapy in Simi Valley provides teens with skill sets and coping mechanisms to be successful in the future.
How to be Responsible for your Mental Health: Surround yourself with positivity
Surrounding yourself with positivity is crucial for taking care of your mental health. This can look like spending time with people that truly care about you and your wellbeing. Those who will check on you, and offer support to be by your side. People you feel comfortable with, and that you can be yourself around!
As a teen, navigating friendships and relationships can be tough. There may be fall outs or drama with your friends. Things such as rumors spreading, talking poorly behind your back, or making you feel left out can leave you feeling really stressed out. It may even make you feel sad or embarrassed.
Maintain relationships who make you feel safe. Both emotionally and physically safe. You don’t feel worried about being vulnerable around them. Talking about your feelings and what’s going on for you lately is safe, and you know you can trust them.
This can also look like having relationships with family members or teachers, counselors, and more that you feel safe with. When something happens, or you feel stressed out, you have trusted people that you can go to.
Teen therapy in Simi Valley provides you with a therapist you can count on to support you through difficult times.
How to be Responsible for your Mental Health: Take care of your body and your mind
There are a number of ways to take care of your body and mind. Think about what feels good for self care. Could it be journaling, taking a daily walk, or smelling sweet flowers? Maybe you enjoy relaxing with candles lit and an oil diffuser going off. Or, you like to get active, like skateboarding, hiking, or working out.
Whatever that may look like for you, prioritize activities that leave you feeling good! Positive events will promote happiness, optimism, and feeling content. Self care doesn’t have to cost a lot of money or be far from your home.
When we take care of our bodies and minds, we can think more clearly, have better decision making, and overall feel happy with ourselves. By advocating for ourselves and standing up for ourselves, we are thus taking care of ourselves. By surrounding ourselves with positivity and good people, we are taking care of ourselves as well.
These are just a few of the ways you can be responsible for your mental health. In teen therapy in Simi Valley, you get matched with a therapist that best fits your needs. From there, establishing a therapeutic relationship is the first priority. We want to make sure that you feel safe and comfortable in session with us. This way, we can begin working towards your goals!
For teen therapy in Simi Valley, contact our intake coordinator today by calling (805) 774-1506. We’re happy to discuss the logistics of getting started.