This blog is for you if you’re considering “do I need medication or therapy?”. Seeking out support for your symptoms could be a new experience for you. You may struggle with symptoms of anxiety, depression, or ADHD. It’s clear that you would benefit from support, but you’re unsure where to turn.
Disclaimer: This blog post is serving as a general informational guide. This blog is not intended to provide medical advice or encourage anyone to seek out medication. Please consult with your physician or psychiatrist to see if medication is appropriate for your needs.
Oftentimes, medication and therapy can be taken at the same time. For example, therapy can be helpful for some people to be on antidepressants and seek out regular therapy sessions. The same could be true for treating ADHD.
Consult with your physician or a psychiatrist about if medication is the right option for you or your child’s needs. Never accept prescription medications that are not intended for your use or are not prescribed directly to you, as that can cause harmful side effects.
When you are prescribed medication, you are given the proper dosage and type of drug that will help treat your symptoms. Taking prescription drugs from someone else can worsen your symptoms or create a dependency if not properly managed.
Therapy can be a great option for depression, anxiety, trauma, stress management, and more. It’s thought that medication and therapy can work hand in hand to help treat and manage many symptoms and diagnoses.
Our therapists at New Leaf Marriage & Family Therapy are experienced in helping individuals struggling with anxiety, depression, trauma, and more. We offer in-person anxiety therapy in Simi Valley, CA.
Consider consulting with both a psychiatrist and therapist to understand the best route of treatment for your needs.
Do I Need Medication or Therapy: What kind of providers can prescribe medications?
Physicians, psychiatrists, and nurse practitioners can prescribe medications. You are able to make appointments with those providers to discuss concerns about your symptoms. From there, they will be able to recommend and prescribe you the best fitting medication.
Alongside this, physicians, psychiatrists, and nurse practitioners do not provide therapeutic services such as mental health counseling. While they are well versed in psychopathology and understanding which medications are best for your symptoms, they are not trained in providing psychotherapy services.
Marriage and family therapists, clinical social workers, mental health counselors, drug and alcohol counselors, and school or clinical psychologists cannot prescribe medications. These providers are able to provide diagnoses, counseling, or assessments.
We are currently accepting new clients for depression and anxiety therapy in Simi Valley, CA.
It is common for therapists and psychiatrists to collaborate on client care to understand the best way to support you.
Do I Need Medication or Therapy: What are the benefits of taking medication and doing therapy?
The benefits are that you receive support and care in multiple areas. You may have a chemical imbalance in your brain that can be supported through taking medication. It could be that your brain is not producing enough serotonin or dopamine, for example.
By taking antidepressants, your brain might be better able to produce enough serotonin or dopamine. When in therapy for depression or anxiety, you will learn crucial tools or skill sets to process and work through difficulties. It’s thought that these medications make the brain more “receptive” to treatment.
Individuals struggling with ADHD may have symptoms of hyperactivity or difficulty concentrating, which medication can help manage. In addition to these symptoms, it’s possible they may struggle with self-confidence due to what they experience. In therapy, they would have a safe place to talk about their cognitive concerns and the impacts they have.
If you are struggling with grief, our therapists provide grief counseling in Simi Valley, CA.
Do I Need Medication or Therapy: Can medication solve my problems alone?
Medication can help relieve some symptoms. If you are struggling with insomnia as a symptom of anxiety, taking appropriately-prescribed sleep-assist medications could be beneficial for you. Individuals struggling with ADHD may also find relief in their symptoms when taking medication.
However, depending on what is going on for you, medication likely will not solve all problems alone. Individuals struggling with trauma, for example, would need a safe space to properly process their trauma and work through it.
Make sure to check out our blog on 3 Reasons to Start Childhood Trauma Therapy.
One symptom of depression is struggling with distorted cognitions and hopelessness. This can look like a theme or belief of perceptions of worthlessness, being “a failure,” and more. Medication alone cannot fix these perceptions. The individual would need to go through a form of treatment, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, to develop self-worth and strategies for curbing distorted thought processes.
Someone with anxiety may struggle with panic attacks or increased anxiety that leaves them feeling nervous or fearful. While medication may subdue physiological responses and calm their nervous system, they still need skills to manage these instances outside of medication.
Similarly, therapy may not be able to solve certain symptoms alone. Therapy can help you learn to cope and provide you with skill sets and tools to use when your symptoms arise, such as knowing how to call on important supports. Issues with more severe attention/concentration symptoms of ADHD, for example, may be ideally treated with medication.
Teen therapy in Simi Valley, CA provides teens with a safe space to address and process current life difficulties.
Struggling with symptoms can be draining and distressing.
By seeking out support, you can begin your journey to feeling relief. You don’t have to go through finding the right level of support alone, either. By consulting with your physician or psychiatrist, you can understand if medication is right for you.
Consider calling our therapy group at (805) 774-1506 for a free consultation! Make sure to check out our blog on Therapy: Where to Start for tips on beginning therapy for yourself or your family.
Seek out a validating, safe environment with us today. We will help you get to where you want to be. Our therapists provide teen therapy, individual adult therapy, LGBTQIA+ therapy, anxiety therapy, depression therapy, family therapy, and more at our office in Simi Valley, CA.