This short blog shares details around what matters for trauma therapy. Of course, there could be other things that matter for trauma counseling. However, we’ll go into detail about three things that we believe are especially important. When you’re struggling with trauma symptoms, receiving the right care highly matters.
These three things include: 1) Working with an experienced and compassionate therapist. 2) Feeling comfortable with all aspects of the session. 3) That your therapist feels like a good fit for you. It can be difficult to find the right trauma therapist; therefore during your search, take these points into consideration.
In trauma therapy in Simi Valley, you can begin your healing journey. Make sure to read our blog on What is Trauma Therapy?
What Matters for Trauma Therapy: Working with an experienced and compassionate therapist
Working with an experienced and compassionate therapist is what matters for trauma therapy. If you’re considering us at New Leaf Marriage & Family Therapy in Simi Valley, Ca, our licensed therapists are trauma-informed. This means that they are experienced in providing trauma-informed care. What is this, you may be wondering? It is defined as working to recognize, understand, and empathize with trauma.
Five principles for trauma-informed care include: safety, choice, collaboration, trustworthiness, and empowerment. Over time, your therapist will strengthen these core principles with you during your sessions. When working with an experienced therapist, they know not to rush you into opening up about distressing or traumatizing experiences.
It’s also important for them to know how to avoid re-traumatizing you in session, and to ensure that you’re always feeling safe. In instances where you do feel unsafe or uncomfortable, your therapist will be prepared to help you cope in that moment – along with providing you tools to cope independently.
Trauma therapy near Moorpark, CA is offering in-person sessions! Make sure to read our blog on Validating Yourself, linked here.
What Matters for Trauma Therapy: Feeling comfortable with all aspects of sessions
Talking about traumatic experiences can already be an uncomfortable experience. You may feel vulnerable, ashamed, angry, along with more feelings that can come up for you. Therefore, it’s important to ensure that your therapy is convenient and comfortable.
Trauma therapy is sometimes recommended to do in-person, but you can also find a great fit with virtual therapy. Assess your living situation – do you have ample privacy? Do you feel comfortable talking about vulnerable topics aloud? Make sure to consider this with a virtual therapist.
If you’re going in-person, what does the office atmosphere communicate to you? Do you find it to be comfortable, with sound machines, comfy couches and pillows, and friendly therapists? Does your session time work with your schedule, and allow you to attend sessions without feeling rushed?
Review these questions when considering either virtual or in-person sessions for trauma therapy. It can be difficult if your environment is loud, interruptive, a lack of privacy, disoriented, unwelcoming, and more. PTSD counseling in Simi Valley, CA helps you understand what can work best for you!
What Matters for Trauma Therapy: That it feels like a good fit for you
You’ll want to consider working with a clinician that specializes in trauma treatment and assessment. Having a thorough assessment means that they’ll gather all relevant information necessary to understand the role of trauma in your life. This includes appropriate treatment goals, planning, diagnostic considerations, and re-evaluation.
Make sure to be asking potential therapists if they are trauma-informed, or have experience providing trauma-informed care – this matters for trauma therapy. Some therapists specialize specifically in trauma treatment, and will make this clear on their advertising or websites. It could be that they are specializing in specific traumas, such as with combat / veteran PTSD, emergency services personnel (police, firemen, EMTs), sexual abuse, and more.
What are some signs that your therapist is a good fit for you? Off the bat, it’s very normal to feel apprehensive about opening up – and you may not open up about your trauma for a while. And that’s perfectly fine. If you’re feeling comfortable, trusting, safe, empowered, and that this process is collaborative, it’s a good chance they’re a good fit for you and your trauma healing journey.
These aren’t the only things that matter for trauma therapy. Connect with us today for a free consultation, for some more information on how you can get started with in-person therapy in Simi Valley today!
In-person therapy in Simi Valley is ideal for those seeking a separate, safe space from their home. Therefore, check out our blog on Online Therapy or In Office Therapy to understand what format is best for you. However, another great blog to read is ours on if you need Therapy or Medication to address your issues.
By seeking out support, you can begin your journey to feeling relief. Therefore, you don’t have to go through finding the right level of support alone, either. We are dedicated to helping you find the right fit for therapy. However, if you’re having questions related to billing, insurance, and more, we’re happy to connect with you!
Consider calling our therapy group at (805) 774-1506 for a free consultation on how you or a loved one can get started today! However, if you’re looking for couples counseling, both partners will need to initiate contact with us first.
Seek out a validating, safe environment with us today. We will help you get to where you are wanting to be. Our therapists are providing trauma therapy, teen therapy, individual adult therapy, LGBTQIA+ therapy, anxiety therapy, depression therapy, family therapy, and more in-office in Simi Valley, CA.
Trauma counseling is available at our group for ages 13 and up. Therefore, we have a blog coming out within the next few weeks related to trauma processing. However, we don’t usually recommend trauma processing for young teens or adolescents, because it can be challenging. Struggling with trauma can be so difficult. You might feel alone in this journey, and are isolating yourself instead of getting help. Therefore, please know that there are people out there, waiting to support you. If you’re feeling suicidal, please call 988 or go to your nearest emergency room – your life matters.