This short blog shares 3 benefits of sitting with discomfort. This is an underrated skill to practice, and one that’s not easily perfected. A lot of us have navigated life so far by coping in other ways. Oftentimes, this looks like through distractions, avoidance, substances, and more.
Sitting with discomfort is not a comfortable activity (obviously). When you’re able to separate and look at yourself from a third person perspective, it makes all the difference. You can coach yourself through sitting with discomfort, recognize your emotions, and understand your needs.
Before you learn about the benefits, you probably want to know how to even start sitting with discomfort. How do I sit with discomfort? What exactly do I do in this process? How do I know if I’m doing it? Therefore, check out two of our resources on this:
Click here to read How to Sit with Uncomfortable Feelings, and How to Sit with Discomfort! Anxiety therapy in Simi Valley, CA helps you grow as a person towards your goals. Make sure to read our blog on Signs It’s Time to Start Therapy for Anxiety.
3 Benefits of Sitting with Discomfort: Greater self-understanding
By sitting with discomfort, you’ll obtain a greater self-understanding. It probably feels weird, and scary, essentially talking to yourself. You’re acknowledging your emotions and feelings at that moment. It’s kind of like you’re calling it out to yourself from an unbiased perspective.
A lot of us may struggle with understanding exactly what we’re experiencing. We may not know how to express this effectively, and what to do with our big emotions. That’s why practicing this feels so overwhelming, because a lot of information comes up at once.
You’ll be better able to identify the exact experience you’re having. You may be able to tie these emotions to recent events, or even those well in the past. It can be eye-opening and surprising to connect the dots. You’ll understand the impact certain things have had on you, and how they make you feel this way.
Don’t you want to feel confident in knowing yourself? In recognizing your triggers, your glimmers, and more? It takes time to get to know yourself – even though you may feel stuck in your head 24/7. However, there is less pressure and overwhelm in acknowledging what’s coming up for you.
Therapy in Simi Valley, Ca provides you with a non-judgmental and compassionate space to do this. Make sure to read our blog on How to Find the Best Fit Therapist!
3 Benefits of Sitting with Discomfort: Greater self-regulation
Now that you have a greater self-understanding, you can have a greater sense of self-regulation. This is what occurs when you’re intensely feeling an emotion, such as worthlessness, anger, jealousy, and more. How do you cope and move through this state in a healthy, productive way?
You’ll be able to know what you need in these specific moments. Whether it’s something you can provide to yourself, or that you can ask of others. Some examples of self-regulation include:
- Practicing positive self-talk.
- Validating your feelings.
- Engaging in mindfulness based activities.
- Engaging in slow-paced breathing exercises.
- Moving your body, such as working out, walking, swimming, or more.
For others, you may ask them to support you by:
- Giving you some temporary space.
- Providing reassurance.
- Spending quality time with you.
As you continue engaging in this practice, you’ll find what works best for you.
The idea is that now that you’ve identified what’s going on for you, how can you support yourself? What works to calm you down, provide relaxation, or more? You don’t want to engage in maladaptive coping, such as using substances, distracting yourself, or taking it out on others.
Individual therapy in Simi Valley, Ca helps you understand what truly helps you regulate. Make sure to read our blog on 5 Signs You’re Growing as a Person!
3 Benefits of Sitting with Discomfort: Greater resiliency
You’re working towards greater self-understanding and self-regulation. With these two benefits in hand, it can only make you more resilient. What is resiliency? Resiliency is defined as the ability to withstand or recover quickly from difficulties. So, what types of situations are resiliency useful for?
Throughout life, you will continue to be faced with situations that are stressful. This can range from minor inconveniences, to impactful events, such as loss or trauma. Navigating them being prepared with what you have will be crucial for effective coping.
Resiliency can look like staying present in moments of uncertainty. It can look like reminding yourself of your great qualities and values. You may utilize lots of positive self-talk and know what you need in order to self-regulate. Expressing your needs and boundaries will help you maintain a sense of control over yourself.
With all of this, you can feel confident that you got this. You know yourself well enough to console yourself, support yourself, and overcome challenges. While you will still have a healthy support system, you will also have yourself. Getting to this place is not easy, and takes a lot of effort, time, and dedication.
The more you practice and prioritize your well-being, the better. Stay focused on the goal of being able to understand yourself and predict your needs. Then, you’ll be able to fully experience these 3 benefits of sitting with discomfort!
In-person therapy in Simi Valley is ideal for those seeking a separate, safe space from their home. Check out our blog on Online Therapy or In Office Therapy to understand what format is best for you. Another great blog to read is ours on if you need Therapy or Medication to address your issues.
By seeking out support, you can begin your journey to feeling relief. You don’t have to go through finding the right level of support alone, either. By clicking here, you’ll read our blog on Information About Simi Valley Therapists.
Consider calling our therapy group at (805) 774-1506 for a free consultation on how you or a loved one can get started today!
Seek out a validating, safe environment with us today. We will help you get to where you want to be. Our therapists provide trauma therapy, teen therapy, individual adult therapy, LGBTQIA+ therapy, anxiety therapy, depression therapy, family therapy, and more in-office in Simi Valley, CA.